We are an Indigenous NGO (Reg. no. INDR1665812NB) and a home for special needs members with the aim rehabilitating, advocating for and empower people with disabilities with a focus on children to prepare them for inclusive education.
Our agenda seeks to advance the well-being, competence and integration of persons with disabilities into communities through empowering children with special needs and their families. SCSP currently operates in Kampala and Mpigi districts.

Enhancing Inclusion of Children with Special Needs is important in reduction of neglect, combating stigma and abuse – after realizing that many young PWDs have challenges to adopt into formal education due to factors such as low level of perception, low self-esteem, low egos, psychological torture among others.

Our Mission
To champion inclusive education, nurturing, rehabilitation and capacity building of special needs people, particularly children, through a participatory approach that involves persons with disabilities, their parents or guardians, the community and the society leadership to achieve better inclusion of special needs persons into their communities.
Our Vision
Equipped Special Needs People For Full Community Integration’
Objectives of SCSP Uganda
Our services aim at achieving the following objectives;
- To support special needs children towards self-independence through assessments, early intervention, inclusive education and rehabilitation.
- To extend welfare support to children and families affected by disability and HIV.
- To promote human rights through advocating for legislation, policies and educating communities on the potential of persons with disabilities towards positive attitude and support.
- To promote home and community based locally made rehabilitation intervention therapy tools while conserving the environment.
- To promote the use of technology among people with disabilities.
- To empower families affected by disability economically while building their capacities
SCSP's Core Values
Our work and commitment is driven by;
- Love,
- Accountability,
- Discipline,
- Integrity,
- God fearing.
- Empathy,
- and Embracing technology.